
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 4

January 25th, 2014

103 Miles


Route Map/Profile



Ride Report
Things were going so well in January. The weather was great. I was slowly but steadily increasing the mileage and the climbing. 2014 might have been on pace to be my best year ever. I was riding a high.

On Wednesday I came down to earth- literally. I was riding home from work and had my right hand off of the bars to blow my nose. All of the sudden I ran over something, and before I could react I was sliding across the road on my right side.

I got up and felt fine. A few things worked in my favor. First, it was early morning, so I had multiple layers of clothing on. My skin was fine except for minor scrapes on my shoulder, elbow, and knee. Second, I wasn't expecting the fall, so I didn't have time to make the mistake of extending my right arm. So, without really thinking about it, I practiced pretty good falling technique.

As soon as I knew that my bike and body weren't badly broken, I became angry. How could I be so stupid? What the hell did I run over? Before I could calm down, a woman in an SUV asked me if I was OK. I told her I was, and she offered to give me a ride home. I'm not the nicest, most talkative guy under the best of circumstances. But here I was, angry and embarrassed, doing my best to politely tell her to get the hell away from me. I said, "I'll be fine, but thanks anyway." She wasn't having it. I was more focused on being angry. I picked my bike off of the ground and threw it in the grass, Bjarne Riis style. I wanted to see what caused the fall. I made the surprisingly long walk back and there it was- a big chunk of concrete sitting in the middle of the bike lane.

I have no idea what this piece of concrete was. Part of a sidewalk? Random construction garbage? I have even less of an idea how it got in the middle of the bike lane. All I know is that it had to go, so I picked it up and threw it in the grass as hard as I could.

Now the woman was next to my bike and she noticed that my front tire had gone flat. This gave her even more reason to want to drive me home. It took a while, but I finally convinced her that I was fine and she reluctantly went on her way. Now I had to change my front tube and the adrenaline was beginning to wear off.

At first I thought I hurt my knee. It was stiff and I could tell I had lost some skin there. As I was pumping up the tube, I began to notice that my right arm was hurting. It made sense. My arm took the bulk of the impact when I fell. By the time I was done pumping, my knee didn't hurt at all and my arm was hurting more and more. I rode super slow the rest of the way home. I was a little banged up, but I didn't think anything serious was going on.

When I got home I stripped off my layers and assessed the damage. My shoulder got the biggest scrape (my jacket was torn to pieces), but it didn't really hurt at all. My knee had the second biggest scrape and it burned a little. My elbow had a tiny little cut. The cut itself didn't hurt, but the elbow was very sore and a little swollen. Range of motion was limited. I figured it would get better with time as the swelling went down. My plan was to go to bed and see how it felt in the morning.

The pain just kept getting worse and worse. I couldn't sleep. Being on my back wasn't comfortable and being on my side hurt too much. I felt OK sitting on the couch, but eventually not even that was comfortable. I began to convince myself that my arm was broken. I finally gave in and decided to go to the doctor. There was no way I was going to ride there, so I took a 3-mile walk instead. The only semi-comfortable position for my arm was in an imaginary sling. Any slight extension of my arm or rotation of my hand hurt like hell. I felt like things were grinding when I rotated my hand. The mind has its way of playing tricks on you.

This story is already too long, so I'll just cut to the chase and tell you that the X-rays were negative. I know this is a backwards way of thinking, but I was disappointed to hear that. How could it hurt so much from just swelling? Is my pain threshold that low? What the hell is wrong with me?

I went home and was finally able to sleep a couple hours, and then it was off to work to attempt working one-handed. It was a tough day, but somehow I made it. The bad news is that my arm really didn't show any signs of improvement at all.

No matter what, I was determined to keep the century per week streak alive. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about doing this week's ride on a recumbent. I was having an internal argument with myself on whether or not that was cheating. I'm still not sure what the answer is. However, things started to improve on Friday.

I felt good enough to ride one-and-a-half handed on Saturday. I had to keep the route flat because standing to climb still hurts quite a bit. I did 4 laps around Washoe Lake, keeping it close enough to home to bail out if necessary. The arm seemed to get a little stiff towards the end, but overall I was happy with how it held up throughout the day. I'd say my range of motion is probably 80% right now. Sudden moves still hurt. I'm happy as long as it's making progress. I can ride through the pain as long as there's an end in sight.

Stay focused out there. Don't let one moment of inattention take you down like it did to me.

Strava Link

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Week 3

January 18th, 2014

119 Miles


Route Map/Profile



US 50 headed towards Lake Tahoe

Ride Report
It was another beautiful day and I couldn't resist riding out to Lake Tahoe for the first time since fall. I took the easy way there (US 50, not Mt. Rose), but this was still the longest and climby-est ride I've done in a while. My time was slow and I don't have my summertime legs, but it's simply amazing to be able to do this ride in January. It's a shame for the ski resorts that it's been so warm and there hasn't been much snow, but it made for a great ride today.

It's been feeling like winter is over and we're into spring already, but you never know. February could turn cold and snowy. Anything could happen. I've just been trying to take advantage of the warm weather we've been having for as long as it's here. I'll easily break 1,000 miles this month, which just goes to show how great the weather has been.

Strava Link

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 2

January 11th, 2014

102 Miles


Route Map/Profile



Ride Report
It's been unusually calm out there recently, but the wind is back. I can't remember the last time I went for a nice, windy ride. It must have been at least a month ago.

I headed out early in an attempt to beat the wind. Sometimes that works, but not today. The sun wasn't even out yet, but the wind was already blowing hard. Oh well. It didn't get very cold overnight, so I didn't regret my decision to start early. The roads were nice and empty and I was treated to a spectacular sunrise around the time I made it to Combs Canyon.

This is a route I did a few weeks back- Jacks Valley Rd to Fredricksburg Rd and then straight north on 88 and 395. There were some very strong crosswinds on 88 and 395. On days like today it's fun when a semi passes by. All of the sudden the wind is gone and you get a feeling for how hard you were leaning to the left just to stay in a straight line.

About 15 miles from home it started raining. It actually rained pretty hard for a while- enough to soak through my booties and gloves. It was cold, but the rest of the ride was mainly a tailwind, so it didn't last too long.

Strava Link

More sunrise photos:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Week 1

January 1st, 2014

101 Miles


Route Map/Profile



US 50

Ride Report
Happy New Year. I was fortunate enough to have the day off of work, so I started the year off right with a ride. The weather was great with a high around 50 and no wind. I kept the route mostly flat, heading south to Carson City and then east on US 50. I finished the day off with a the 6 Mile Canyon climb and headed back home.

It wasn't my best day physically. I felt strong on last week's (12/28/13) century and on a 3-hour ride yesterday, but today I just didn't have it. I haven't been doing much riding aside from the daily commute and the weekly century, so my body probably wasn't ready for two long rides in a row yet. But who cares? It's early and I'm just glad it's not cold and/or windy out there. That counts as a good January day in my book.

I wish you all the best in 2014.

Strava Link

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: The Preview

I wouldn't say 2013 was a bad year, but I didn't reach all of my goals. I want to get back on track in 2014, but not by setting my goals so low that they are easy to reach. I want to take care of some unfinished business from 2013 and also try something new in 2014.

  1. Ride a century every week.
  2. Complete the California Triple Crown.
  3. Ride a century in 3 new states.
  4. Ride across Nevada in 30 hours.

#1 is self-explanatory. It's a simple goal, but it's not easy.

#2 is unfinished business from last year. I can break this goal down into smaller goals. First, I want to finish the Devil Mountain Double, which was a lousy DNF for me in 2013. That ride is usually in late April (probably the 26th in 2014). Second, I want to finish the Alta Alpina Challenge, another lousy DNF for me in 2013. That ride will be on June 28th this year. Unfortunately, the AAC will not be part of the Triple Crown this year. However, I love the ride, it's close to home, and I want to make up for last year.

I'm not sure yet which other 2 doubles I want to do. The Terrible Two is one of my favorites. It's scheduled for June 21st, which may be too close to the AAC for me. I might want to try 2 doubles that I haven't done before. The Eastern Sierra double on May 31st is a good candidate. The Davis Double on May 17th is another good candidate. It looks like a different experience than the climbing doubles I usually like to do.

#3 is another goal I didn't reach last year. It doesn't look like I'll have as much time to travel in 2014 as I had in 2013. I may have to settle for a few 3-4 day weekends instead of taking a whole week off. The good news is that there are 2 relatively close states that I haven't done yet: Oregon and Washington. I've been wanting to ride around Crater Lake in Oregon for a while now, so Oregon's route is mostly decided. I'll probably save the 3rd state for late summer/early fall. I usually need a good pick-me-up around that time of year.

#4 has been on my mind for a while, but I've never committed to it. The time is right to finally give it a try. I'm sure I'll be posting more about the preparation as the year goes on. Route design is easy: straight across the state on US 50. The rest is more difficult: training, support, etc.

I hope for better success in 2014. I wish you all the same!

UPDATE (1/2/14)

The California Triple Crown schedule is up and it turns out that the Alta Alpina Challenge will be included this year. That means I will for sure be doing DMD on  4/26 and the AAC on 6/28. For the 3rd double, I'm thinking about the Eastern Sierra Double (5/31) or White Mountain Double (9/13).