
Monday, July 18, 2016

Week 27

July 6, 2016

105 miles

Strava Link
Week 27

Route Map/Profile


Ride Report 
3 climbs today: Geiger, 6 Mile, and Spooner. The wind picked up in the afternoon, which I definitely felt on Spooner.

Construction for the new freeway through Carson City
It's July now, which means that the year is halfway over. Seems like a good time to assess how things are going so far. Here were my goals in January:

  • One century per week
  • Century in 5 new states
  • One international century
  • 12,000 miles
  • One Everest
I'm doing pretty well except for the second one. I'm on pace for a century per week and 12,000 miles (~6,300 miles as of the end of June). I already did my international century (Tenerife) and an Everest (Under the Freeway Climb). That's a solid 6 months.

I'm falling short on the 5 new states goal. I haven't done a single one. I had a week off earlier this year and instead of going to new states I did some riding in eastern NV, southern UT, and western AZ. One the one hand, that may have been my one big chance to rack up lots of new states this year and I let it slip by. On the other hand, I got to ride in some areas that I've never ridden in before, and that's one of the main reasons I want to do all 50 states in the first place. I may not reach my goal, but at least I had fun.

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